Grantee Resources

Topic: Purpose of Education

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Stagnant California Test Scores Pose Problem; State Board May Rejigger How To Rate Districts

Children Now

An article describing the challenge faced by the California State Board of Education as stagnant test results could require hundreds of school districts to seek county assistance due to their failure to raise English language arts and math scores, prompting consideration of changes to the criteria for rating schools and districts to reduce the number of poorly performing districts.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

New Poll: Safe And Positive School Environment More Important Than Higher Test Scores

Children Now

An article discussing the findings of a poll which showed that California voters prioritize creating a safe and positive school environment over higher scores on standardized tests when evaluating school performance, and express concerns about bullying, violence, and harassment on school campuses.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

State Board Rethinking How To Measure Performance Of Alternative Schools

Children Now

An article discussing the challenge of developing a comprehensive accountability system for alternative schools in California and exploring potential metrics that could be used to assess their performance while integrating them into the larger system of accountability and school improvement.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Gov. Jerry Brown Just Got In The Way Of School Reform

Children Now

An editorial criticizing Governor Jerry Brown's veto of Assemblywoman Shirley Weber's bill, AB 2548, aimed at ensuring California complies with the federal Every Student Succeeds Act, arguing that the state's current vague and confusing system to gauge school performance lacks credibility and is hindering accountability and progress in education reform.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Editorial: Tough Measurements For School Success Needed

Children Now

An op-ed discussing the conflict between different educational reform systems in California, particularly the CORE system used by six school districts to evaluate schools beyond traditional test scores, and the federal regulations under the Every Student Succeeds Act, which may limit the districts' innovative approach, raising questions about the need to respect the principle of allowing districts to innovate.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

What Makes a Good School?

Children Now

An editorial about the need for a new school accountability system in California, exploring alternative measures beyond standardized test scores and highlighting the importance of maintaining clarity and performance-based assessment while considering a more rounded look at school achievement.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Uphold LCFF’s Democratic Process

Children Now

An article describing the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)'s potential for increased civic engagement and local decision-making in schools. Calls for greater transparency in the implementation of LCFF to ensure community members can effectively hold school districts accountable and participate in the budget process for the benefit of all students.