Grantee Resources

Topic: Purpose of Education

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Story / Case Study / Commentary

CFJ Youth Leaders Secure Major Wins in Long Beach & Fresno Unified

Californians for Justice

A blog post showcasing the achievements of youth organizers in Fresno and Long Beach Unified School Districts, highlighting their successful campaigns for expanding ethnic studies, paying students for their expertise, establishing wellness centers, and prioritizing student health and resources for Black students.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

The Road to Recovery: What Last Year’s Data Can Tell Us About Next Year’s Plans

Education Analytics, Inc.

An article highlighting the importance of data analysis on student performance to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on learning and well-being, particularly for students of color and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Emphasizes the need for data-driven decision-making to implement effective strategies for recovery in the upcoming school year.


Why Art? Cards

California State University San Marcos Foundation

Cards, posters, and banners, available in both English and Spanish, help spread the message that art = opportunity by answering the question "Why Art?"


Tool / Toolkit

From Crisis to Opportunity: Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan Checklist

Education Trust, Inc.

A checklist intended to provide an opportunity to ensure the students most deeply affected by school closures in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic received the support they needed to thrive in a distance learning environment.