Grantee Resources

Topic: Teaching and Learning


Y-PLAN Partnership Brief: Oakland African American Male Achievement Initiative

Berkeley Institute of Urban and Regional Development

A research brief describing a partnership between the UC Berkeley Center for Cities + Schools and the Oakland Unified School District's African American Male Achievement (AAMA) initiative, highlighting the Y-PLAN (Youth - Plan, Learn, Act, Now) program's role in improving education, fostering civic agency, and developing real-world skills through project-based civic learning experiences.


FosterEd, Antelope Valley Progress Report Year Two

National Center for Youth Law

An analysis of the educational data from the 2019-2020 school year of the Center for Youth Law's work in Los Angeles County in partnership with Palmdale School District to support the individual needs of children in foster care and systems change at a district level.


Advancing Equity at Scale-Up: Research Priorities for College and Career Pathways

University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Education

A report summarizing a three-year project designed to stimulate collaboration, build capacity, and prioritize research that can support equity in college and career pathways students' success.

Policy Brief/Proposal

One System for All

American Institutes for Research

A policy and practice brief on one school's approach to Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) using an inclusive core instructional program based on the principles of Universal Design for Learning.

Policy Brief/Proposal

A Vision for California’s Schools this Fall: Equity for Dual Language and English Learners in an Unprecedented Moment

Education Trust, Inc.

A series of concrete, actionable ideas for how local and state education leaders can ensure that California's English learner and dual language learner (DLL) students were considered in return to school in fall 2020 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.