Grantee Resources

Topic: Teaching and Learning

Story / Case Study / Commentary

California’s Golden Opportunity: Long Beach Unified School District Executive Summary

Michael Fullan Enterprises Inc.

A case study about the concept of Professional Capital in action at Long Beach Unified School District in California, describing the district's core strategies to create system coherence and cultivate professional capital.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Editorial: California Common Core Assessment Plan Incomprehensible

Children Now

An op-ed arguing for the adoption of Assemblywoman Shirley Weber's AB 2548, which calls for a clear and comprehensible accountability system conforming with federal law that better assesses schools' performance and progress in helping struggling students, in contrast to the state's current confusing and multicolored matrix system.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Editorial: Tough Measurements For School Success Needed

Children Now

An op-ed discussing the conflict between different educational reform systems in California, particularly the CORE system used by six school districts to evaluate schools beyond traditional test scores, and the federal regulations under the Every Student Succeeds Act, which may limit the districts' innovative approach, raising questions about the need to respect the principle of allowing districts to innovate.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

California’s Baffling New Approach To Evaluating Public Schools

Children Now

An op-ed criticizing the California State Board of Education's draft of a new annual accountability system for California schools, arguing that it is overly complicated and lacks clarity in measuring school performance, making it difficult for parents and voters to understand and compare schools effectively.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

California Schools Accountability Plan Is Critical

Children Now

A commentary on the need for a comprehensive and transparent accountability system in California's public schools, which considers multiple measures of a child's experience and involves community engagement and state support to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for all students.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

What Makes a Good School?

Children Now

An editorial about the need for a new school accountability system in California, exploring alternative measures beyond standardized test scores and highlighting the importance of maintaining clarity and performance-based assessment while considering a more rounded look at school achievement.


Engaging Students in Transforming Their Built Environment via Y-PLAN: Lessons from Richmond, California

Berkeley Institute of Urban and Regional Development

A peer-reviewed field report that describes how high school students from Richmond, California used the Youth - Plan, Learn, Act, Now (Y-PLAN) program to actively participate in the planning and transformation of their school, neighborhoods, and city.