Grantee Resources

Topic: Teaching and Learning

Story / Case Study / Commentary

What A ‘Technical’ Tweak To The California School Dashboard Means

Children Now

An article highlighting concerns raised by education advocates about the California School Dashboard's decision to "tweak" the numbers, moving dozens of schools and districts out of the red (lowest-performing) category to orange, which may give the impression of lower standards and make it harder for parents to understand the actual performance of schools.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

New Poll: Safe And Positive School Environment More Important Than Higher Test Scores

Children Now

An article discussing the findings of a poll which showed that California voters prioritize creating a safe and positive school environment over higher scores on standardized tests when evaluating school performance, and express concerns about bullying, violence, and harassment on school campuses.

Policy Brief/Proposal

California’s Golden Opportunity: Taking Stock, Leadership from the Middle

Michael Fullan Enterprises Inc.

An information feedback report on the evolution of California's education reform enacted in 2013-2014, which radically redefined the policy direction in education based on the principle of decentralization of resources to local levels, expressed in the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).

Tool / Toolkit

Meaningful Local Engagement Under ESSA

The Opportunity Institute

A handbook for state and local education leaders that includes information about why engagement is essential to planning, strategies for making engagement more effective, and tools for building an engagement strategy.


Six Ways School Districts Can Leverage the Local Control Funding Formula for Equity in the Early Years

Education Trust, Inc.

Recommendations and examples of districts using Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) funds to increase early learning options for families of color, families facing poverty, and families of dual language learners.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

State Releases Another Data Tool Potentially More Useful Than New Dashboard

Children Now

An article describing the California Five-by-Five Placement Reports & Data Model, an online resource offering a one-stop school comparison tool that shows a breakdown of how every school in a district performed on each performance indicator, providing valuable information for parents, teachers, and district administrators.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

California’s Golden Opportunity: Corona Norco Unified School District Executive Summary

Michael Fullan Enterprises Inc.

A case study about the concept of Professional Capital in action at Corona Norco Unified School District in California, describing the district's core strategies to create system coherence and cultivate professional capital.