Grantee Resources

Topic: Purpose of Education


San José Public Library Foundation February 2022 Impact Report

San José Public Library Foundation

A short impact report featuring images, graphics, charts, and words from February 2022 about the SJ Aspires program, which partners directly with San José high school to give students the opportunity to claim scholarship dollars that they can use for education after high school by completing activities aligned with college and career readiness.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Flexibility During COVID-19: What We Can Learn from California’s Use of Interim Assessments in the 2020-21 School Year

Education Analytics, Inc.

An article exploring the use of interim assessments during COVID-19 in California and their implications for measuring students' academic performance, providing insights on how this approach can be used to monitor and support student learning during uncertain times.

Webinar / Video / Podcast

LCFF Case Study: Youth Power, Voice, and Participation in San Jose

University of California, Los Angeles Center for Transformation of Schools

A 7-minute video about how East Side Union High School District in San Jose, in partnership with Californians for Justice (CFJ), a youth-led educational justice organization, is developing student voice, power, and participation to drive more equitable outcomes for every student

Story / Case Study / Commentary

How Deeper Learning Can Transform Schools

Harvard University, Graduate School of Education

An article describing the efforts of the Deeper Learning Dozen (DLD)'s work to transform education systems by creating equitable, accessible deeper learning experiences for students and teachers, guided by principles of equity, symmetry in adult and student learning, and leadership acceleration.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

What On-Track Measures Can Tell Us About High Schoolers During COVID-19: A Worrisome Pattern in Grades and Attendance

Education Analytics, Inc.

An article analyzing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on high school students by examining data on grades, attendance, and course-taking patterns in California districts, revealing a concerning trend of increased disengagement and struggling performance among many students.


How Schools Can Leverage Partnerships for Success

Turnaround Arts

An article highlighting the transformative power of partnerships between schools and community organizations. McKinley Elementary in Compton, California, demonstrates the positive impact of leveraging the arts as a pathway to academic achievement, social-emotional learning, shared leadership, and family involvement. Includes practical tips for successful collaboration and assessing the outcomes of partnerships.