Grantee Resources

Topic: Transforming Systems for Equity


California’s Golden Opportunity: Learning is the Work

Michael Fullan Enterprises Inc.

A report examining the progress and challenges of California's education reform efforts, focusing on the implementation of the California Way and its impact on student learning, highlighting areas such as underfunding, complexity, capacity building, the role of intermediary agencies, and the risk of reverting back to compliance, providing insights for education leaders and policymakers seeking to improve the state's education system.

Webinar / Video / Podcast

LCFF: Pomona Case Study

University of South Carolina, College of Education

A 2-minute video about Paula and Jamie, two sixth grade teachers at Armstrong Elementary School who knocked down the wall between their classrooms and started working together to realize a happier, more relaxed classroom.


California’s Positive Outliers

Learning Policy Institute

A report summarizing the results of a quantitative analysis that identifies districts in which students of color, as well as their White peers, have demonstrated extraordinary levels of academic achievement.

Policy Brief/Proposal

California’s Positive Outliers Brief

Learning Policy Institute

An brief identifying positive outlier districts in which students of color, as well as White students, consistently achieve at higher levels than students from similar racial/ethnic backgrounds and from families of similar income and education levels in most other districts.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

California Kids Are Falling Behind In Education And More. What Is The State Doing To Help?

Children Now

An article highlighting California Governor Gavin Newsom's commitment to improving the lives of children in the state, focusing on issues such as the achievement gap in schools and childhood poverty, and discussing the efforts being made to address these challenges, particularly in early childhood education and support.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Why Equity Has Been a Conservative Force in American Education—And How That Could Change

Harvard University, Graduate School of Education

An Education Week op-ed arguing that over the past 15 years, equity in American education, intended to help disadvantaged students, has instead become a conservative force, perpetuating the old industrial model of schooling and focusing disproportionately on test preparation, rather than embracing a liberating approach that prioritizes student agency, inclusivity, and meaningful learning experiences to truly close achievement gaps.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

My Turn: Here’s One Way Newsom Can Be Rural California’s Governor

Children Now

A commentary proposing the establishment of a new California State University (Cal Poly) campus in Northern California to address the educational and economic needs of the region, particularly in the aftermath of devastating wildfires and to improve college attainment rates for high school graduates in the area.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Dashboard and System of Support are Misleading, Lack Transparency and Abrogate Responsibility to Address the Needs of English Learners

National Equity Project

A position statement about the shortcomings of California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in addressing the needs of English Learners (ELs), calling for revisions to the accountability system to ensure equity and support for ELs, urging the State Board of Education to revisit the definition of ELs for academic indicators and implement a new approach that includes a growth model to meet the needs of this historically underserved group.