Grantee Resources

Tag: Race and Equity

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Tool / Toolkit

Data Tool: Racial Disparities in Financial Aid Completion

Education Trust, Inc.

A data tool that shares financial aid completion by race and ethnicity; intended to help local decision-makers understand and address racial disparities in financial aid completion and to equip local education leaders with resources to take action to close racial/ethnic gaps in financial aid application completion.

Policy Brief/Proposal

The Equity 8 – California’s Key Legislative Proposals: 2022

Education Trust, Inc.

Ed Trust-West's annual analysis of the California budget and proposed legislation for 2022, identifying 8 key proposals with the potential to advance educational equity and justice for California’s students and educators. 


California Opportunity Youth Data Report 2022

New Ways to Work

A report that provides a high-level overview of California's disconnected, or "Opportunity Youth" population, published with the objective of drawing attention to a problem that requires immediate action, and to create collaborative recommendations for state and local policy.


Nothing About Us Without Us: Youth Voice, Power, and Participation

University of California, Los Angeles Center for Transformation of Schools

A case study demonstrating how East Side Union High School District in San Jose, in partnership with Californians for Justice, a youth-led educational justice organization, is utilizing the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) to develop student voice, power, and participation.