Grantee Resources

Tag: High School Design

Story / Case Study / Commentary

The Learning Curve: An Anthology of PUSD Student Stories

Pasadena Educational Foundation

An anthology of student stories published by Think Tank, a high school student-led initiative that was started during the COVID-19 pandemic at Pasadena Unified School District to help raise student voices on the issues they were confronting, including in district decision-making.


Cultivating Inclusion: Belonging and Agency in Young Black Men through Civic Action Research

Berkeley Institute of Urban and Regional Development

A peer-reviewed journal article examining how community-based civic action research can cultivate civic engagement, civic belonging, and shifts in civic stakeholders' perceptions of racially and economically minoritized youth's civic agency.


Dual Enrollment for Students from Special Populations

Jobs for the Future

A report examining dual enrollment programs intended to improve college transitions for English Learners, students with disabilities, foster youth, and young people experiencing homelessness.

Policy Brief/Proposal

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Make Schools More Human

Harvard University, Graduate School of Education

A New York Times op-ed highlighting the shortcomings of the education system during the pandemic, emphasizing the need for more personalized, human-centered schooling that takes into account the diverse needs of students, teachers, and communities while addressing the inequalities in learning opportunities and promoting a holistic approach to education.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Gov. Newsom Vetoes Requirement For Ethnic Studies Course In High School; Also Nixed: A Fix to Funding Formula

Children Now

An article describing California Governor Gavin Newsom's unexpected veto of a bill that would have mandated a course in ethnic studies as a high school graduation requirement and a significant change to the state's K-12 funding formula, the Local Control Funding Formula.