Grantee Resources

Topic: Youth Voice and Agency


Aligning Systems for Equity

University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Education

A report about the April 2019 Aligning College and Career Pathway Systems for Equity symposium, in which participants identified the high priority problems of system alignment affecting equitable pathway development, and the specific research questions that need to be answered in order to guide policy and practice.

Tool / Toolkit

Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Training

Californians for Justice

A training presentation for educators that helps build a shared understanding of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), and how to engage with and advocate for student and family voices in the LCAP.


Leadership and Capacity Building in College and Career Pathways

University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Education

A report about the November 2018 Leadership and Capacity Building in College and Career Pathways symposium, which focused on leadership and capacity-building and the research questions required to address problems of practice faced by pathway administrators, teachers, counselors, and other student support specialists.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Funding for LCFF Community Engagement Initiative: A Win for Grassroots Groups Across the State

Californians for Justice

A blog post reflecting on the signing of the 2018-2019 California state budget, which included $28.3 million to enhance community engagement in the Local Control Funding Formula, highlighting the advocacy efforts of the Defend and Mend Coalition and emphasizing the importance of partnerships between communities and legislators for equitable education implementation.

Tool / Toolkit

Engage for Education Equity: A Toolkit for School Communities on the Every Student Succeeds Act

The Opportunity Institute

A toolkit intended to support organizers, including families and students, as they work with their school communities to understand and engage around the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).


CSUSM Sun Spike

California State University San Marcos Foundation

A compilation of findings from the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Freshman Survey, known as TFS, which provides data about incoming college students, about the role that arts play in a child's success.



Engaging Students in Transforming Their Built Environment via Y-PLAN: Lessons from Richmond, California

Berkeley Institute of Urban and Regional Development

A peer-reviewed field report that describes how high school students from Richmond, California used the Youth - Plan, Learn, Act, Now (Y-PLAN) program to actively participate in the planning and transformation of their school, neighborhoods, and city.