Grantee Resources

Topic: Narrative and Storytelling

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Why Equity Has Been a Conservative Force in American Education—And How That Could Change

Harvard University, Graduate School of Education

An Education Week op-ed arguing that over the past 15 years, equity in American education, intended to help disadvantaged students, has instead become a conservative force, perpetuating the old industrial model of schooling and focusing disproportionately on test preparation, rather than embracing a liberating approach that prioritizes student agency, inclusivity, and meaningful learning experiences to truly close achievement gaps.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Chronic Absenteeism In California Schools Up Slightly, New Data Show

Children Now

An article about the issue of chronic absenteeism in California schools and its negative impact on student success, particularly among certain student groups like foster youth, homeless youth, and students with disabilities.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

My Turn: Here’s One Way Newsom Can Be Rural California’s Governor

Children Now

A commentary proposing the establishment of a new California State University (Cal Poly) campus in Northern California to address the educational and economic needs of the region, particularly in the aftermath of devastating wildfires and to improve college attainment rates for high school graduates in the area.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Funding for LCFF Community Engagement Initiative: A Win for Grassroots Groups Across the State

Californians for Justice

A blog post reflecting on the signing of the 2018-2019 California state budget, which included $28.3 million to enhance community engagement in the Local Control Funding Formula, highlighting the advocacy efforts of the Defend and Mend Coalition and emphasizing the importance of partnerships between communities and legislators for equitable education implementation.