Grantee Resources

Topic: Foster Youth and Other Priority Populations


A Demographic Snapshot of Alternative School Enrollments in Select California Urban School Districts

Stanford University Graduate School of Education, John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities

A data brief providing an enrollment snapshot of youth in the Continuation High Schools and district-operated Community Day Schools for youth over the age of 16 in the following California Unified School Districts: Long Beach, Los Angeles, Fresno, and Oakland.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Resources Often Don’t Match Rhetoric For Restorative Justice In California Schools

Children Now

An article exploring the rise of restorative justice in California schools as an alternative to traditional punitive disciplinary measures, highlighting how some school districts are not allocating sufficient resources to support and implement restorative justice practices, which may hinder its effectiveness and lead to backlash.

Tool / Toolkit

Meaningful Local Engagement Under ESSA Issue 2

The Opportunity Institute

A handbook for state and local school leaders on engagement in school improvement efforts, including how to engage on needs assessments and priority-building, school improvement strategies, and resource alignment.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

African-American Students Would Get Extra Aid Under California’s K-12 Funding Formula In Proposal Before Legislature

Children Now

An article about California bill AB 2635, which proposed additional funding for California districts with African-American students to address the persistent low academic achievement of these students and correct the failure of the existing Local Control Funding Formula in addressing their needs.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Facing Unprepared Kindergartners, A Rural School District Restores Preschool For All

Children Now

An article describing how the Lindsay Unified School District in California implemented universal preschool, allowing every child from birth to 4 years old, regardless of family income, to attend a preschool program for free, with the aim of preparing students for kindergarten and reducing disparities in early learning opportunities.

Tool / Toolkit

Engage for Education Equity: A Toolkit for School Communities on the Every Student Succeeds Act

The Opportunity Institute

A toolkit intended to support organizers, including families and students, as they work with their school communities to understand and engage around the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Districts Must Do More To Reduce Low-Income Schools’ Share Of Inexperienced, Ineffective Teachers Under New Federal Law

Children Now

An article about California's efforts to address disparities in student achievement and the distribution of experienced and effective teachers in schools, as required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Opinion: California Still Lacks School-Spending Transparency

Children Now

An op-ed highlighting the lack of transparency in California's education funding system, particularly concerning money intended to support vulnerable student groups. Calls for a clear and accessible system to track and report how funds are spent to ensure they benefit those who need it most.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

24 Ideas For Improving The Local Control Funding Formula

Children Now

A collection of recommendations from 24 school leaders, student advocates, legislators, and others for the most important improvements needed to make California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) for effective, equitable, and truer to its promise.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Jerry Brown’s Dilemma: Fix School Funding Formula Now Or Watch Others Do It Later

Children Now

An article exploring potential improvements to California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) to address criticisms related to fiscal transparency, low funding for basic expenses, and the burden of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).