Grantee Resources

Topic: Narrative and Storytelling

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Driving with the Brakes On: Why Are We Trying to Do Liberatory Practices within an Authoritarian Paradigm?

Harvard University, Graduate School of Education

A blog post questioning why education holds onto old notions of order, control, and authority while trying to embrace newer ideas around inquiry, self-direction, and liberation.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

To Find More Bilingual Teachers, California Needs to Cast a Wider Net

Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) Program

An article highlighting the shortage of bilingual teachers in California and the need to expand bilingual programs by addressing the lack of teacher preparation programs and encouraging current teachers to receive training in bilingual education, while also emphasizing the importance of personalized support and community outreach in recruiting potential bilingual teachers.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

California School News April 2022

California School Boards Association

A monthly newsletter covering all aspects of public school governance, with a feature story on school board impact during Legislative Action Week.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

We Must Focus on Equity as California Tackles Declining Enrollment to Ensure That Equity is Central to the Design of Any Solution Adopted

Children Now

An article highlighting the paradox of California schools having more money than ever but facing staff layoffs due to declining student enrollment, and it proposing the establishment of a "Declining Enrollment Dividend Fund" to reinvest the savings from reduced funding back into schools to address the issue.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Ensuring Youth Access To People, Places And Possibilities

KP Catalysts, LLC

An opinion essay describing how some homeless youth services providers were able to adjust and innovate during the COVID-19 pandemic by adopting youth-centered approaches, but highlighting the need for more systemic changes and infrastructure to support all young people's needs, especially those experiencing homelessness.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Acronyms, Acrimony & Girl Scout Cookies

KP Catalysts, LLC

A commentary about the importance of focusing on positive youth development and avoiding divisive acronyms, urging educators and youth organizations to celebrate and embrace an approach that engages youth in a productive and constructive manner to foster positive outcomes and enhance their strengths.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Attendance Works! An On the Record Interview with Hedy Chang

KP Catalysts, LLC

A Q&A with Hedy Chang, the founder and executive directory of Attendance Works, about the importance of studying chronic absenteeism as an equity issue, the use of data to address gaps in improving student attendance and engagement, and the role of young people in developing solutions to student absenteeism.


San José Public Library Foundation February 2022 Impact Report

San José Public Library Foundation

A short impact report featuring images, graphics, charts, and words from February 2022 about the SJ Aspires program, which partners directly with San José high school to give students the opportunity to claim scholarship dollars that they can use for education after high school by completing activities aligned with college and career readiness.