Grantee Resources

Topic: Narrative and Storytelling

Story / Case Study / Commentary

California’s Baffling New Approach To Evaluating Public Schools

Children Now

An op-ed criticizing the California State Board of Education's draft of a new annual accountability system for California schools, arguing that it is overly complicated and lacks clarity in measuring school performance, making it difficult for parents and voters to understand and compare schools effectively.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

California Schools Accountability Plan Is Critical

Children Now

A commentary on the need for a comprehensive and transparent accountability system in California's public schools, which considers multiple measures of a child's experience and involves community engagement and state support to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for all students.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

What Makes a Good School?

Children Now

An editorial about the need for a new school accountability system in California, exploring alternative measures beyond standardized test scores and highlighting the importance of maintaining clarity and performance-based assessment while considering a more rounded look at school achievement.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Brown Consistent With Legislation He Signs And Vetoes

Children Now

An article describing California Governor Jerry Brown's consistent priorities in education legislation, including his emphasis on local control, opposition to new state mandates, and aversion to expanding data collection, and how he remained steadfast in his approach even with exceptions made for certain bills.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

West Contra Costa Unified School District: Contentious Community Engagement Leads to a More Open and Constructive Dialogue Between the District and Its Stakeholders

Education Trust, Inc.

A case study about how contentious community engagement at West Contra Costa Unified School District led to a more open and constructive dialogue between the district and its stakeholders.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

In Adopting Regs, State Board Should Keep An Eye On The Prize: Student Achievement

Children Now

A commentary about the tension between flexibility and accountability in implementing the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in California and emphasizing the need to focus on student achievement while striking the right balance between these two factors to improve outcomes and close achievement gaps in the state's education system.