Grantee Resources

Topic: Assessment and Accountability

Policy Brief/Proposal

The Equity 8 – California’s Key Legislative Proposals: 2022

Education Trust, Inc.

Ed Trust-West's annual analysis of the California budget and proposed legislation for 2022, identifying 8 key proposals with the potential to advance educational equity and justice for California’s students and educators. 


California Opportunity Youth Data Report 2022

New Ways to Work

A report that provides a high-level overview of California's disconnected, or "Opportunity Youth" population, published with the objective of drawing attention to a problem that requires immediate action, and to create collaborative recommendations for state and local policy.


Nothing About Us Without Us: Youth Voice, Power, and Participation

University of California, Los Angeles Center for Transformation of Schools

A case study demonstrating how East Side Union High School District in San Jose, in partnership with Californians for Justice, a youth-led educational justice organization, is utilizing the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) to develop student voice, power, and participation.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Pathways to Purpose: AmazED Learning Environment

Education Reimagined

An article about the AmazED learning environment, which is designed to facilitate personalized and collaborative learning journeys, emphasizing the importance of community involvement, learner-centered approaches, and the sciences of mind, brain, and learning to create meaningful and joyful educational experiences.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Systems and Structures: What Needs Must Be Addressed for a Learner-Centered Future

KP Catalysts, LLC

A commentary exploring the challenge of providing learner-centered education equitably to all children and families regardless of race, income, or location, and highlights the importance of understanding and supporting community learning systems that complement public schools to achieve this goal.