Grantee Resources

Tag: Civic Learning

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Celebrating 5 Years of The Incredible Journey of The Student Voice Campaign

Californians for Justice

A blog post celebrating the 5th anniversary of the Student Voice Campaign from Californians for Justice, highlighting its transformative impact in giving students a voice in decision-making processes in California's public schools and advocating for continued student engagement and equity in education.


The Critical Role for Young People and Schools in Resiliency Planning

Berkeley Institute of Urban and Regional Development

A peer-reviewed journal article discussing the Youth-Plan, Learn, Act, Now (Y-PLAN) initiative, which empowers young people to address development challenges and engage with city planning policymakers, emphasizing the importance of involving youth and schools in community planning for climate resilience and adaptation, and highlighting the need for equity and social justice in resilience efforts.


Going for Gold

Linked Learning Alliance

A guide to achieving Linked Learning Gold Certification, which promotes continuous improvement of Linked Learning pathways to provide proven high-quality integrated learning experiences and positive student outcomes for all student populations.


Aligning Systems for Equity

University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Education

A report about the April 2019 Aligning College and Career Pathway Systems for Equity symposium, in which participants identified the high priority problems of system alignment affecting equitable pathway development, and the specific research questions that need to be answered in order to guide policy and practice.


Leadership and Capacity Building in College and Career Pathways

University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Education

A report about the November 2018 Leadership and Capacity Building in College and Career Pathways symposium, which focused on leadership and capacity-building and the research questions required to address problems of practice faced by pathway administrators, teachers, counselors, and other student support specialists.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Funding for LCFF Community Engagement Initiative: A Win for Grassroots Groups Across the State

Californians for Justice

A blog post reflecting on the signing of the 2018-2019 California state budget, which included $28.3 million to enhance community engagement in the Local Control Funding Formula, highlighting the advocacy efforts of the Defend and Mend Coalition and emphasizing the importance of partnerships between communities and legislators for equitable education implementation.

Tool / Toolkit

Meaningful Local Engagement Under ESSA Issue 2

The Opportunity Institute

A handbook for state and local school leaders on engagement in school improvement efforts, including how to engage on needs assessments and priority-building, school improvement strategies, and resource alignment.

Tool / Toolkit

Engage for Education Equity: A Toolkit for School Communities on the Every Student Succeeds Act

The Opportunity Institute

A toolkit intended to support organizers, including families and students, as they work with their school communities to understand and engage around the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Tool / Toolkit

Meaningful Local Engagement Under ESSA

The Opportunity Institute

A handbook for state and local education leaders that includes information about why engagement is essential to planning, strategies for making engagement more effective, and tools for building an engagement strategy.


Engaging Students in Transforming Their Built Environment via Y-PLAN: Lessons from Richmond, California

Berkeley Institute of Urban and Regional Development

A peer-reviewed field report that describes how high school students from Richmond, California used the Youth - Plan, Learn, Act, Now (Y-PLAN) program to actively participate in the planning and transformation of their school, neighborhoods, and city.


Blueprints for Hope: Engaging Children as Critical Actors in Urban Place-making

Berkeley Institute of Urban and Regional Development

A peer-review journal article about the Youth-Plan, Learn, Act, Now (Y-PLAN) program, how it helped third- and fourth-grade students in San Francisco contribute their ideas to the redevelopment of their community, and how their ideas were incorporated into community designs.


California School District Revenue and Student Poverty: Moving Toward a Weighted Pupil Funding Formula

Public Policy Institute of California

A report examining the relationship between funding and student disadvantage and addresses questions about converting the current school finance system to a weighted pupil formula.