Grantee Resources

Tag: Resource Equity


Six Ways School Districts Can Leverage the Local Control Funding Formula for Equity in the Early Years

Education Trust, Inc.

Recommendations and examples of districts using Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) funds to increase early learning options for families of color, families facing poverty, and families of dual language learners.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

State Board Rethinking How To Measure Performance Of Alternative Schools

Children Now

An article discussing the challenge of developing a comprehensive accountability system for alternative schools in California and exploring potential metrics that could be used to assess their performance while integrating them into the larger system of accountability and school improvement.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Local Control Formula Closing Funding Gap But Not Equity Gap, Report Says

Children Now

A discussion of a report from the student advocacy organization Education Trust-West, which highlights the need for more transparency and innovative approaches to distributing funding under the Local Control Funding Formula in California, as the infusion of funding hasn't yet resulted in visible improvements for low-income students and English learners.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

My Word: Transparency Desperately Needed On School Funding

Children Now

An op-ed advocating for the passage of AB1321, introduced by California Assemblymember Shirley Weber, which aimed to improve transparency in the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) system, providing data on how schools are spending their funds to better gauge the impact of investments on student outcomes and ensure equity and fairness in education.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Editorial: California Common Core Assessment Plan Incomprehensible

Children Now

An op-ed arguing for the adoption of Assemblywoman Shirley Weber's AB 2548, which calls for a clear and comprehensible accountability system conforming with federal law that better assesses schools' performance and progress in helping struggling students, in contrast to the state's current confusing and multicolored matrix system.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Gov. Jerry Brown Just Got In The Way Of School Reform

Children Now

An editorial criticizing Governor Jerry Brown's veto of Assemblywoman Shirley Weber's bill, AB 2548, aimed at ensuring California complies with the federal Every Student Succeeds Act, arguing that the state's current vague and confusing system to gauge school performance lacks credibility and is hindering accountability and progress in education reform.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Editorial: Tough Measurements For School Success Needed

Children Now

An op-ed discussing the conflict between different educational reform systems in California, particularly the CORE system used by six school districts to evaluate schools beyond traditional test scores, and the federal regulations under the Every Student Succeeds Act, which may limit the districts' innovative approach, raising questions about the need to respect the principle of allowing districts to innovate.