Grantee Resources

Topic: Youth Voice and Agency

Webinar / Video / Podcast

LCFF Case Study: Youth Power, Voice, and Participation in San Jose

University of California, Los Angeles Center for Transformation of Schools

A 7-minute video about how East Side Union High School District in San Jose, in partnership with Californians for Justice (CFJ), a youth-led educational justice organization, is developing student voice, power, and participation to drive more equitable outcomes for every student


Breaking New Ground with California’s State Seal of Civic Engagement

University of California, Los Angeles Graduate School of Education & Information Studies

A report highlighting the efforts of early adopters of the State Seal of Civic Engagement across California and provides themes and recommendations for educators interested in rolling out the SSCE in their own districts and schools.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

How Deeper Learning Can Transform Schools

Harvard University, Graduate School of Education

An article describing the efforts of the Deeper Learning Dozen (DLD)'s work to transform education systems by creating equitable, accessible deeper learning experiences for students and teachers, guided by principles of equity, symmetry in adult and student learning, and leadership acceleration.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

CFJ Youth Leaders Secure Major Wins in Long Beach & Fresno Unified

Californians for Justice

A blog post showcasing the achievements of youth organizers in Fresno and Long Beach Unified School Districts, highlighting their successful campaigns for expanding ethnic studies, paying students for their expertise, establishing wellness centers, and prioritizing student health and resources for Black students.


Healing, Community, and Humanity: How Students and Teachers Want to Reinvent Schools Post-COVID

Harvard University, Graduate School of Education

The results of research about students' and teachers' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, which revealed themes of healing, community, and humanity as essential values for rebuilding schools.


California English Learner Roadmap Implementation Guide and Toolkit for Administrators

Californians Together

A series of toolkits and guides designed to support California school administrators as they take up the challenge of leading and supporting the implementation of the 2017 California English Learner Roadmap policies.

Tool / Toolkit

From Crisis to Opportunity: Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan Checklist

Education Trust, Inc.

A checklist intended to provide an opportunity to ensure the students most deeply affected by school closures in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic received the support they needed to thrive in a distance learning environment.

Policy Brief/Proposal

Voices from California Higher Education: Recommendations for Centering Equity Amidst Campus Re-openings

Education Trust, Inc.

A brief providing recommendations on how to use new funding sources to better support low-income, first generation students of color in California's higher education field in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, with examples from the field.