Grantee Resources

Topic: Life After High School


Compassionate Systems: Monterey Program Progress Report

National Center for Youth Law

A report sharing the National Center for Youth Law's program model for supporting students experiencing homelessness in Monterey County, California to graduate from high school with the widest array of possibilities for their future.


Giving Learning and Graduation New Meaning: One Student at a Time

University of California, Los Angeles Center for Transformation of Schools

A case study summarizing how California's school funding law, the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), is being implemented in San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD).


Aligning Systems for Equity

University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Education

A report about the April 2019 Aligning College and Career Pathway Systems for Equity symposium, in which participants identified the high priority problems of system alignment affecting equitable pathway development, and the specific research questions that need to be answered in order to guide policy and practice.


Leadership and Capacity Building in College and Career Pathways

University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Education

A report about the November 2018 Leadership and Capacity Building in College and Career Pathways symposium, which focused on leadership and capacity-building and the research questions required to address problems of practice faced by pathway administrators, teachers, counselors, and other student support specialists.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Gov. Brown Proposes Ambitious Education Agenda In His Final State Budget

Children Now

A discussion of California Governor Jerry Brown's proposed education spending in his 2018-19 budget, which included funding to address shortages in special education teachers, connecting career pathways programs with community colleges, and allocating more resources to the state's school accountability system.


CSUSM Sun Spike

California State University San Marcos Foundation

A compilation of findings from the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Freshman Survey, known as TFS, which provides data about incoming college students, about the role that arts play in a child's success.


Story / Case Study / Commentary

New Poll: Safe And Positive School Environment More Important Than Higher Test Scores

Children Now

An article discussing the findings of a poll which showed that California voters prioritize creating a safe and positive school environment over higher scores on standardized tests when evaluating school performance, and express concerns about bullying, violence, and harassment on school campuses.