Grantee Resources

Topic: Foster Youth and Other Priority Populations

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Promising Practice in Action: Restructure the School Day to Meet Students’ Individual Needs

Education Trust, Inc.

A brief profile describing how Alta Loma High School, part of Chaffey Joint Union High School District, built the Alta Loma Academy Program as a response to a deep analysis of student achievement data which showed that the school was not meeting students' academic needs.


Compassionate Systems: Monterey Program Progress Report

National Center for Youth Law

A report sharing the National Center for Youth Law's program model for supporting students experiencing homelessness in Monterey County, California to graduate from high school with the widest array of possibilities for their future.


FosterEd, Antelope Valley Progress Report Year One

National Center for Youth Law

An analysis of the educational data from the 2018-2019 school year of the Center for Youth Law's work in Los Angeles County in partnership with Palmdale School District to support the individual needs of children in foster care and systems change at a district level.


Giving Learning and Graduation New Meaning: One Student at a Time

University of California, Los Angeles Center for Transformation of Schools

A case study summarizing how California's school funding law, the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), is being implemented in San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD).


California’s Positive Outliers

Learning Policy Institute

A report summarizing the results of a quantitative analysis that identifies districts in which students of color, as well as their White peers, have demonstrated extraordinary levels of academic achievement.

Policy Brief/Proposal

California’s Positive Outliers Brief

Learning Policy Institute

An brief identifying positive outlier districts in which students of color, as well as White students, consistently achieve at higher levels than students from similar racial/ethnic backgrounds and from families of similar income and education levels in most other districts.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Chronic Absenteeism In California Schools Up Slightly, New Data Show

Children Now

An article about the issue of chronic absenteeism in California schools and its negative impact on student success, particularly among certain student groups like foster youth, homeless youth, and students with disabilities.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Dashboard and System of Support are Misleading, Lack Transparency and Abrogate Responsibility to Address the Needs of English Learners

National Equity Project

A position statement about the shortcomings of California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in addressing the needs of English Learners (ELs), calling for revisions to the accountability system to ensure equity and support for ELs, urging the State Board of Education to revisit the definition of ELs for academic indicators and implement a new approach that includes a growth model to meet the needs of this historically underserved group.

Tool / Toolkit

Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Training

Californians for Justice

A training presentation for educators that helps build a shared understanding of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), and how to engage with and advocate for student and family voices in the LCAP.