Grantee Resources

Topic: Transforming Systems for Equity

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Viewpoints: California’s School Spending Should Target Needy Students

Children Now

An op-ed calling for more transparency, equity, and accountability in implementing California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), ensuring funds for disadvantaged students are used appropriately and not diverted. Stresses the need to maintain clarifying language in the regulations and balance district flexibility with accountability.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Uphold LCFF’s Democratic Process

Children Now

An article describing the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)'s potential for increased civic engagement and local decision-making in schools. Calls for greater transparency in the implementation of LCFF to ensure community members can effectively hold school districts accountable and participate in the budget process for the benefit of all students.


Beyond Accidents of Geography: Using Housing Policy to Improve Access to Quality Education – Commentary

Berkeley Institute of Urban and Regional Development

A book chapter exploring two contrasting strategies for using housing policy to improve educational opportunities for low-income children: one focuses on using housing vouchers to enable access to schools in affluent areas, while the other emphasizes developing housing with on-site educational and family support services.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

School Districts Must Seize Opportunity Of Local Control

Children Now

An op-ed emphasizing the importance of student academic outcomes and how school districts in California are required to submit strategic plans to improve student achievement, focusing on local priorities and needs, and highlighting the need for courageous leadership and data-driven approaches to ensure the success of the Local Control Funding Formula.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Districts Should Make Early Learning A Priority In Their Local Accountability Plans

Children Now

A commentary on the persistent achievement gap in California, emphasizing the urgent need for early learning opportunities to improve outcomes for disadvantaged children, urging districts to recognize and support early childhood education as a critical strategy for meeting educational accountability goals under the Local Control Funding Formula.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Communication Key For A Truly Effective LCFF

Children Now

An article highlighting the importance of effective communication and conversation in the successful implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in California, acknowledging the State Board of Education's efforts to address concerns and make necessary changes to improve the law's impact on schools and students.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Advocates Pile On Criticisms Of Draft Funding Formula Regulations

Children Now

An article highlighting concerns and criticisms from key supporters of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) regarding draft regulations instructing school districts on how to carry out the new law, particularly addressing issues related to funding for high-needs students and ensuring equity and accountability in spending decisions.