Grantee Resources

Topic: Foster Youth and Other Priority Populations

Story / Case Study / Commentary

West Contra Costa Unified School District: Contentious Community Engagement Leads to a More Open and Constructive Dialogue Between the District and Its Stakeholders

Education Trust, Inc.

A case study about how contentious community engagement at West Contra Costa Unified School District led to a more open and constructive dialogue between the district and its stakeholders.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

State Introduces Tools for School Change

Children Now

An article discussing the launch of the Quality Schooling Framework by the California Department of Education, aimed at guiding administrators in developing and implementing locally created school accountability plans with a focus on school culture, data analysis, and stakeholder engagement to improve student outcomes.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Districts Should Make Early Learning A Priority In Their Local Accountability Plans

Children Now

A commentary on the persistent achievement gap in California, emphasizing the urgent need for early learning opportunities to improve outcomes for disadvantaged children, urging districts to recognize and support early childhood education as a critical strategy for meeting educational accountability goals under the Local Control Funding Formula.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Communication Key For A Truly Effective LCFF

Children Now

An article highlighting the importance of effective communication and conversation in the successful implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in California, acknowledging the State Board of Education's efforts to address concerns and make necessary changes to improve the law's impact on schools and students.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Advocates Pile On Criticisms Of Draft Funding Formula Regulations

Children Now

An article highlighting concerns and criticisms from key supporters of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) regarding draft regulations instructing school districts on how to carry out the new law, particularly addressing issues related to funding for high-needs students and ensuring equity and accountability in spending decisions.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

It’s A Deal: Brown, Top Lawmakers Raise Base Funding In Finance Formula

Children Now

An article discussing the compromise version of California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) that aims to increase base funding for all students while lowering extra funding for some high-needs students. Highlights the importance of transparency in education funding distribution and accountability for spending decisions.


California School District Revenue and Student Poverty: Moving Toward a Weighted Pupil Funding Formula

Public Policy Institute of California

A report examining the relationship between funding and student disadvantage and addresses questions about converting the current school finance system to a weighted pupil formula.