Grantee Resources

Tag: School Safety

Policy Brief/Proposal

Lead with Equity: What California’s Leaders Must Do Next to Advance Student Learning During COVID-19

The Opportunity Institute

A policy analysis providing data and guidance in response to California Governor Newsom's July 2020 announcement that all K-12 schools in California counties with rising COVID-19 infections would be required to teach remotely.

Policy Brief/Proposal

The Equity 8 – California’s Key Legislative Principles: 2020

Education Trust, Inc.

Ed Trust-West's annual analysis of the California budget and proposed legislation for 2020, identifying 8 key proposals with the potential to advance educational equity and justice for California’s students and educators; special COVID-19 edition focused on addressing the needs of students of colors and students from lower income communities in the wake of the pandemic.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Celebrating 5 Years of The Incredible Journey of The Student Voice Campaign

Californians for Justice

A blog post celebrating the 5th anniversary of the Student Voice Campaign from Californians for Justice, highlighting its transformative impact in giving students a voice in decision-making processes in California's public schools and advocating for continued student engagement and equity in education.

Policy Brief/Proposal

Judicial Advocacy

March For Our Lives

A collection of Amicus Curiae briefs filed in different cases across the United States, centering gun violence survivors’ voices in the courts.

Policy Brief/Proposal

The Equity 8 – California’s Key Legislative Proposals: 2019

Education Trust, Inc.

Ed Trust-West's annual analysis of the California budget and proposed legislation for 2019, identifying 8 key proposals with the potential to advance educational equity and justice for California’s students and educators. 

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Funding for LCFF Community Engagement Initiative: A Win for Grassroots Groups Across the State

Californians for Justice

A blog post reflecting on the signing of the 2018-2019 California state budget, which included $28.3 million to enhance community engagement in the Local Control Funding Formula, highlighting the advocacy efforts of the Defend and Mend Coalition and emphasizing the importance of partnerships between communities and legislators for equitable education implementation.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Resources Often Don’t Match Rhetoric For Restorative Justice In California Schools

Children Now

An article exploring the rise of restorative justice in California schools as an alternative to traditional punitive disciplinary measures, highlighting how some school districts are not allocating sufficient resources to support and implement restorative justice practices, which may hinder its effectiveness and lead to backlash.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

How Trump Repeal Of Obama-Era School Discipline Guidelines Could Affect California

Children Now

An article discussing the potential repeal of Obama-era school discipline reform guidance by U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and its impact on California's discipline reform efforts, with civil rights and youth advocates expressing concern over the possible consequences for students of color and those with disabilities.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

24 Ideas For Improving The Local Control Funding Formula

Children Now

A collection of recommendations from 24 school leaders, student advocates, legislators, and others for the most important improvements needed to make California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) for effective, equitable, and truer to its promise.

Story / Case Study / Commentary

Jerry Brown’s Dilemma: Fix School Funding Formula Now Or Watch Others Do It Later

Children Now

An article exploring potential improvements to California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) to address criticisms related to fiscal transparency, low funding for basic expenses, and the burden of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).