
The Foundation strives for impact by providing resources and support to our partners. While we cannot reach our goals through our actions alone, we hold ourselves accountable for acting strategically to support the conditions that will lead to better education and life outcomes for adolescents. In addition to working with our partners to understand the impact of individual grants, we follow the overall impact of investments and engage in continuous learning.

Grantee Highlights

All4Ed: The Alliance, through its California Future-Ready Schools network, will help build the capacity of the 400 California district members to inform policy at the local, state and federal levels based on the experiences of teachers, principals and district leaders. The Alliance will also work with California school districts to expand their instructional leadership and coaching capacity to create high-quality remote learning experiences and policies.

California Community Schools Learning Exchange(CSLX): Grant funds will help support CSLX which aims to connect, strengthen, and expand California’s community schools’ technical assistance infrastructure.  CSLX is engaging community school experts, researchers and other adolescent learning and development experts to support California’s investment in the development of community schools and a whole child approach to teaching and learning.

Center for Powerful Public Schools: The Center, which builds the capacity of educators in the Greater Los Angeles area and throughout California to create and sustain powerful public schools, is partnering with the UCLA Center for Community Schooling to demonstrate how redesigning governance, budgeting and staffing structures in high school leads to improved culture and climate, teaching and learning, and student achievement.

Jobs for the Future (JFF):  In January 2021, JFF released, The Big Blur: An Argument for Erasing the Boundaries Between High School, College, and Careers — and Creating One New System That Works for Everyone, which calls for high school, higher education, and workforce systems to better meet the needs of young people and future employer demands. Grant funds will support JFF to apply this vision in California and identify opportunities for closer weaving of high school, college, and career pathways in specific regions as well promote policy realignment at the state level.

Learning Policy Institute (LPI): Grant funds will support Reimagining College Access (RCA) which seeks to advance more equitable postsecondary access and success and drive improvements in K–12 teaching and learning.  LPI is working with university, K-12 leaders and practitioners to design a set of performance assessments aligned to admissions standards and processes at UCs and CSUs and, with their leaders, identifying pilot sites where performance assessment can be used for admissions decisions, academic advising and placement. Grant funds will also support RCA and Envision Education to design a portal within the Common App platform for performance assessment submissions.

Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture: The County’s Arts Ed Collective works to increase access to the arts, creative learning, and career pathways in the creative economy on behalf of the 1.5 million public school students in the region. Grant funds will help the Arts Ed Collective – the largest local arts education initiative in the nation – advance the goals of a new Regional Blueprint for Arts Education that sets goals for achieving scale, equity, and quality in arts education in-school, after school, and in communities, to meet youth where they are, and to culturally sustain the voices of those historically excluded.
UC Davis, School of Education: The California Education Lab at UC Davis will access student-level data sets across public education systems to analyze educational progress for adolescents, ages 14 – 24, before and during the pandemic.  The research will help describe who California’s adolescents are and identify trends and issues that may require deeper analysis such as high school persistence and declining successful postsecondary transitions.  Additional grantee partners will analyze English learners, foster youth, and young women and young men.

UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools (CTS): CTS, in partnership with John Burton Advocates for Youth (JBAY), California Youth Connection, and a subset of CSU campuses, will complete a study on the impact of campus support programs for foster students. CTS will also work with these partners to examine academic and school climate patterns for fosters and non-foster youth for the 2018-2019 school year in the five counties and ten districts that serve the highest proportion of foster youth to help inform the development of campus practices and policies and the state’s longitudinal data system.


Recent Foster Youth Education Grants

National Center for Youth Law: Grant funds are supporting the expansion of FosterEd in California, a program focused on improving the educational outcomes of students who are in foster care, experiencing homelessness, and/or involved in the juvenile justice system.

John Burton Advocates for Youth (JBAY): JBAY has been one of the Foundation’s core partners for nearly a decade.  Grant funds are supporting advocacy around education, housing and health policies to support youth who have experienced foster care, homelessness and/or juvenile justice.

2021 Stuart Foundation Grants

The Stuart Foundation works with stakeholders inside and outside public school systems – advocates, community partners, researchers, funders and policymakers – to transform public schools and youth serving systems to successfully develop every young person.  To learn more about our grantmaking in 2021, please see a list of grants here.




For Current Grantees

Thank you for the time and thought you put into preparing reports to the Stuart Foundation. We greatly appreciate your effort. The information you provide helps us improve and strengthen our work.

We are now accepting reports via our Grantee Portal linked here!

To create an account, please complete the online portal user registration form linked here and you will be invited via email to complete the registration process. If you do not remember your username or have any technical questions, please email

Due dates for reports are noted in each Grant Agreement as well as in the Portal. Currently, we only require a file upload to satisfy our reporting requirements and there is a space for you to leave any additional comments that you would like to bring to our attention.

Please note that we also have NEW REPORT TEMPLATES which can be found below. If you have a multi-year grant, please contact your assigned Partnership Manager if you have not received instructions and forms for reports.

Final Reports

Final reports are generally due one to two months after the end of the grant period, unless specified otherwise. Note that in order for a report to be considered final, all grant funds must be fully expended. If funds will not be expended by the time your report is due, please contact Foundation staff to discuss how to proceed before submitting a report.

Grant Renewals

If you have received a renewal grant award from the Foundation and are looking for related forms, please contact your program officer.  Thank you.